Blessings to you all on this lovely Dec. 14th. I'm sitting here in my local Starbuck's sipping on my cold brew with Oat Milk just reflecting on the year and what another whirlwind we've been through. Around this time, all my apps start doing a wrapped or yearly wrap up or otherwise summarize the year for me. And it was certainly one for the books. I went back to my beginning of the year blog where I post a year ahead Reading (which you can reread for yourself here: and starting thinking about all the things I predicted in that blog...
First off it was a year of 8. A year of getting sh*t done! As I reflect on my own journey through the year, both with Tarot and with my day job, a lot of hard work was put into my career. I learned about the Strength in patience, in choosing powerfully, and letting go. And it took a lot of patience to move up and around. If you follow my journey you'll know that I've decided to step away from one of my steady gigs, Cafe Tu Tu Tango, due to a conflict in ideology. This came with a lot of heaviness as it was one of my steadiest Tarot gigs; but this letting go allowed for a promotion at the day job to happen! Which yes did include a raise! And while it may not entirely make up for the income I will miss at Tu Tu, it's okay. The mantra I kept saying to myself was "I'll be okay" and I would take a deep breath in and say it again until I truly believed it. It's amazing how that quick sentence can help turn things around.
In Chinese Astrology, 2024 was the Wood Dragon year, another card of Strength. So I guess I've said enough about that.
Well let's see what all has happened for me personally this year:
I ran my second half marathon and achieved 8 miles solid running... which is the longest I have ever run continuously.
Stood up for myself at my places of work.
As a result was able to let go of what held me back and step up into a new role (that I am thoroughly enjoying because of the freedom it has afforded me).
Continued to develop key relationships in my life, including with many local LGBTQIA+ 501c3 organizations.
Let's also remember that I HAVE A BOOK COMING OUT in 2025! So pay attention everyone ... I'll post updates here as soon as I get more information.
Thank you for coming down memory lane with me. In the meantime, Happy holidays to each and every one of you. And as always...
Make it a Magickal Day - Stella B.